gastrula|gastrulae|gastrulas in English


stage in embryonic development (Biology)

Use "gastrula|gastrulae|gastrulas" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gastrula|gastrulae|gastrulas" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gastrula|gastrulae|gastrulas", or refer to the context using the word "gastrula|gastrulae|gastrulas" in the English Dictionary.

1. Pembentukan blastula disebut Blastulasi, sedangkan pembentukan gastrula disebut gastrulasi

2. 12) Draw and LABEL: the gastrula, archenteron, and Blastopore

3. Archenterons Blastopore Blastopores Gastrocoele Gastrocoeles Gastrulas Gut, Primitive Guts, Primitive Primitive Gut Primitive Guts

4. Blastopore External opening of the archenteron in the gastrula.

5. 5 words related to Archenteron: gastrula, blastopore, bodily cavity, cavum, cavity

6. Archenteron definition is - the cavity of a gastrula forming a primitive gut.

7. Archenteron definition, the primitive enteron or digestive cavity of a gastrula

8. The middle cavity of the gastrula is the primary gut or Archenteron that …

9. In the controls (K0) the inducer was implanted directly into early gastrula ectoderm.

10. Blastopore / Archistome / protostoma / anus of Rusconi: the opening of the archenteron to the exterior of the embryo, at the gastrula stage; Ecker's plug: a plug of cells in the primordial mouth of the gastrula

11. Adiamorphism abdominal stretch mozos collaboration adventure gastrulae overexplanation fordham conscribing brain-damaged polyvinylidene Gymnotoka stoollike shellfisheries convenience amasser headstone architis

12. In an early gastrula, mesoderm (red) involution occurs at the dorsal lip of the Blastopore

13. In diploblastic organisms, such as Cnidaria and Ctenophora, the gastrula has only ectoderm and endoderm.

14. Gastrulacija • Gastrulacija je proces kojim se od jednoslojne Blastule obrazuje prvo dvoslojna, a zatim i troslojna gastrula

15. 20 Embryology The splitting of the blastoderm into two layers of cells to form a gastrula.

16. The four principal phases in the development are: (I) Blastula, (2) Gastrula, (3) Flagellate Embryo, (4) Larva.

17. The development of the zygote into an embryo proceeds through specific recognizable stages of Blastula, gastrula, and organogenesis

18. Acetylated Tubulin Concentrations in Archenterons of a Mid-gastrula Sea Urchin Embryo Justus Spencer 3 May 2012 Professor R

19. Juga, selama Blastulasi, tidak ada pergerakan sel, sedangkan ada peningkatan jumlah sel, dan sel bergerak selama pembentukan Gastrula

20. Blastopore A mouth-like opening of the archenteron on the surface of an embryo in the gastrula stage

21. Yin, Z. J. , Zhu, M. Y. , 20 Epibolic gastrula embryo fossils from the Ediacaran Weng'an Biota (Guizhou, Southwest China).

22. Blastopore: [ blas´to-por ] the opening of the archenteron to the exterior of the embryo at the gastrula stage.

23. ‘With time, cells gradually become determined, so that similar cells taken from later-stage Blastulas and early gastrulas develop according to their fate at the time of transplantation.’

24. Blastopore, the opening by which the cavity of the gastrula, an embryonic stage in animal development, communicates with the exterior

25. Archenteron definition: the cavity within an embryo at the gastrula stage of development that eventually becomes Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples